Tyson and Quinn's Corner


This is our life with our little man, born May 2009 and our sweet daughter, born May 2011.

13 November 2010

18 Months

Enjoying the last few warm days of fall:

Poor, sick baby:

Dear Tyson-

Only 6 monts until your second birthday? Time must slow down soon. You have a pretty nasty cold right now, but we're getting through it. You continue to be a total joy in our lives. You have the best attitude, nearly always happy and smiling. Of course there are moments when you're tired, sick or your teeth hurt, but we're lucky that they are few and far between.
Despite our best efforts, you still have a very limited diet. Brooke tried for eight days straight to get you to try (even once) a vegetable, but you refused. Mama is okay with you not liking certain foods, but you don't even try them first. Maybe some day. This month, you have liked to have cereal snacks with mama, sitting on the stool at the counter. You're still not steady enough to do it completely by yourself (they are backless stools after all), but you do a great job and look like such a big boy while you're at it.
Mama and Daddy are so impressed with how much you say now. I think the number of words has to be at least 20 or more now. You've started repeating what we say, good or bad. While you played football with Daddy, he taught you how to say fumble!, but in your voice sounds more like bumble! You are still loving to watch football and each time it's on, you grab your own small football and throw it or kick it around the room. Daddy is ready to sign your NFL contract as a kicker or punter.
We love you so much and continue to be amazed by you each and every day. Love, Mama and Daddy



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