Tyson and Quinn's Corner


This is our life with our little man, born May 2009 and our sweet daughter, born May 2011.

07 January 2010

8 Months!

Where has the time gone? How is it possible that our sweet little man is already 8 months old? Tyson is rocketing through milestones like crazy!

At 8 months, Tyson:

-LOVES to eat! He's up to two meals of solids per day and pretty good portions at that

-Still only has 2 teeth, but we think more are soon to pop through

-Continues to drool like a faucet

-Pulls up on his own

-Crawls everywhere

-Walks if you hold his hands

-Has just started getting separation anxiety (it breaks my heart!)

-Says dadadadadada and on and on...

-Is an absolute joy!

He wasn't very cooperative when I tried to take his pictures today, but that's what happens sometimes!



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